Monday, December 21, 2009


I really liked this book because I learned a lot about smoking and tobacco products and also the effects of tobacco. I would highly recomend this book for anybody who wants to learn about smoking, tobacco products, and the geath risks of using tobacco.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Summary continued:

I have learned some more interesting facts about tobacco. If you parents smoke your are 79% more likely to start smoking or using tobacco products. Kreteks are clove cigarettes which 90% of Indonesians smoke. More Asian women chew than anyone else in the world. Bidis are sort of a safer replacement for cigarettes but still are not safe. They are smaller, concentrated flavored cigarettes that are rolled so that the air does not mix with the tobacco.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In this book so far, I have learned about a lot of bad things in cigarettes and other harmful tobacco products. There are also a lot of places where you can't smoke or use tobacco products including, restaurants, on the street, or private properties. After reading the first half of this book my opinion on tobacco products is that they are a waist of money, effect the people around you and more importantly yourself. three questions i would like to learn from this book are: Why would people spend for than 2,000 dollars on tobacco products a year? they could buy better and more useful things. How long after smoking before all the symptoms start to come into effect? What are some good, healthy alternatives for tobacco?

Monday, December 7, 2009


I do not have a setting for this book, but i will talk about some places you can't smoke or use tobacco. There is a new law out there that you can not smoke or use tobacco in public places. It is also illegal to smoke in private places without permission. Even smoking on the sidewalk is against the law in some states today. This new law is good because it makes smokers want to quit. Smoking is not as "cool" as it used to be since these new laws have been passed.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

page: 1-50

The author of this book is, Margaret Hyde. I learned about some different products so far that people may think is a good alternate for smoking cigarettes, cigars, chew, dip and snuff, however these products are as bad for your health as cigarettes are. People think cigars are not as bad as cigarettes because you don't inhale them, but cigars causes mouth cancer. chew, dip, and snuff all are smokless tobacco so teens don't belive it is as bad for you as cigarettes, but they all cause mouth cancer and even liver cancer.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I choose this book because i wanted to learn more about smoking and the harmful affects of smoking. Smoking might give you a buzz and a relaxing feeling, but it is bad for your lungs, heart, liver, and all surounding citizens.